dr Andrzej Kulka

I am energy storage material researcher with hands on experience regarding Li-ion and Na-ion batteries. 


Since the redox-active materials areat the heart of Li/Na-ionbatteries at the atomic level I am working to understand the interplay between materialschemistry, structureand their electrochemical properties. 

My particular research interests include advanced synthesis methods and modulation of the (de)insertion mechanisms in TM-based electrode materials (TM-transition metal) for Li/Na-ion batteries.I am constantly striving to craft the electrochemical properties of the industry-important electrodes by proper chemical and structural modifications. 

The way of evaluating the obtained results is somehow tricky and not so straightforward, thus to have a deep understanding of the reactions occurring in the electrodes I am employing variety of analytical techniques including numerous electrochemical and structural characterization methods. I look at the various electrochemical data from charge/discharge tests, differential or transient voltage analysis as well as electrochemical impedance spectroscopy methods (EIS) and correlate them with the operando electronic/structural studies like operando XRD or XAS.

In such a way, the factors limitingthe electrochemical propertiesof the crafted electrodes materials can be elaboratedwhile obtained relationshipscan help to engineer theperformance of investigated electrodes.

By this approach I incline tobridge fundamental scientific understandingwithvarious energy storage applications with ultimate aim toconsiderable push forward the energy densities of the Li/Na-ion batteries whilst reducing their costs and improving safety.

At the level ofcommercial batteriesI gained experience in electrochemical testing and performance evaluation of various Li-ion cells (cylindrical 186500, 21700 etc. or pouch cells) by cooperation with industrial partners e.g. Johnson Matthey Battery Systems, Solaris Bus Coach or Green Cell. I am designing and implementing appropriate testing protocols based on galvanostatic (charge/discharge CC-CV tests, differential voltage analysis) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy methods (EIS) in assessing performance (discharge capacity, columbic efficiency etc.) as well as SoC, SoH of Li-ion cells. I am also developing various pulse current techniques (GITT and HPPC) in evaluation of thecritical parameters.


2015 PhD (with distinction)

Faculty of Energy and Fuels/ Department of Hydrogen Energy, AGH University of Science and Technology/Krakow, Poland Prof. Janina Molenda

2010 Master (with distinction summa cum laude)

Faculty of Material Science and Ceramics / Department of Electronic Materials AGH University of Science and Technology/Krakow, Poland

Current position


Research and Teaching Assistant Professor
Faculty of Energy and Fuels/ Department of Hydrogen Energy,  AGH University of Science and Technology/Krakow, Poland

Previous positions


Postdoctoral Researcher
Electrochemistry Laboratory/ Paul Scherrer Institute (ETHZ Bereich)/ Switzerland


Research and Teaching Assistant
Faculty of Energy and Fuels/ Department of Hydrogen Energy,  AGH University of Science and Technology/Krakow, Poland

Fellowship and awards


Listed among 10% of best publishing scientists at AGH-University of Science and Technology within the Excellence Initiative – Research University


The laureate of the scholarship for outstanding young researchers awarded by Polish Minister of Science and Higher Education


The laureate of the program “Mobility Plus” for founding of research internships of young researchers organized by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education,


III-class individual award for scientific achievements in 2020, 2019 and 2016 awarded by AGH-University of Science and Technology University President


Several short research visits at Swiss Light Source, Switzerland (SLS-PSI)


Student Travel Awards – Invited student by organizers of 20th International Conference on Solid State Ionics, Keystone, Colorado, USA


Scholarship for best 5% doctoral student awarded by AGH-University of Science and Technology University President


Award for best master thesis in the field of fuel cells by Polish Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Association


Research internship/ Physical Properties of Materials and Modelling Laboratory (SPMS)/ Ecole Centrale Paris (ECP)/ France


Research internship/ Shibaura Institute of Technology/ Japan

Supervision of graduate students


Ph D auxiliary promotor of the two Ph D students: K. Redel (finished)
J. Płotek (on-going)Faculty of Energy and Fuels/AGH University of Science and Technology/Krakow, Poland



Supervision of master and bachelor students (4-6 each year). Totally more than 30 supervised students. Faculty of Energy and Fuels/ Department of Hydrogen Energy,  AGH University of Science and Technology/Krakow, Poland


Supervised master thesis (author: J. Płotek) honored within the student competition for best master thesis “AGH Diamonds” at AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland


Supervised bachelor theses (authors: K. Walczak and K. Redel) honored within concur “Eco innovations not only at papers” at Poznań University of Economics and Business,

Teaching activities



Lecturer  – Li-ion batteries, AGH University of Science and Technology, (1) Faculty of Energy and Fuels, (2) Faculty of Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering



 Seminar lecturer  – Physical Chemistry, AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Energy and Fuels


Laboratory lecturer  – Hydrogen energy, AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Energy and Fuels


Laboratory lecturer  – LabView, AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Energy and Fuels

In summary in 2015-2018, more than 1000 h of teaching classes 

Organisation of scientific meetings


The 6th Polish Forum SMART ENERGY conversion & storage/ International conference/ Poland/ role: member of organizing committee/ around 250 participants


The 5th Polish Forum SMART ENERGY conversion & storage/ International conference/ Poland/ role: member of organizing committee/ around 250 participants

Institutional resposibilities


Supervisor in “Hydrogenium” Student’s Science Club at Faculty of Energy and Fuels/ Department of Hydrogen Energy,  AGH University of Science and

Reviewing Activities

Technology, Poland


Refereefor peer-reviewed journals: Advanced Functional Materials, Journal of Power Sources, Acta Materialia, Electrochimica Acta, Journal of Electrochemical Society, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Solid State Ionics.


Reviewof master and bachelor thesis,  Faculty of Energy and Fuels/ Department of Hydrogen Energy,  AGH University of Science and Technology/Krakow, Poland

Membership of Scientific Societies


Member of Polish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association Research Network


Member of Polish Chemical Society

Major collaborations

  • Borca, T. Huthwelker,XAS measurements of electrode materials, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland
  • Kasprzyk, Development of stable Solid Electrolyte Interphase (SEI) in Li-rich NMC Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
  • Sun, Conversion based electrodes, National University of Singapore, Singapore