Projekt Lider


The proposed project concerns the development of manufacturing technology and the production of environmentally friendly cathode materials from the Li-rich NMC group with a dedicated cathode / electrolyte interface for Li-ion batteries with increased performance.

The implementation of the project goal will be based on the research and development strategy assuming theuse of advanced knowledge from the borderline of physiochemistry and electrochemistry of electrode materials, electrolytesand functional cathode/electrolyte interfaces. 

During the project, appropriate chemical compositions of Li-rich NMC materialswill be carefully selected and manufactured, then a comprehensive cathode / electrolyte interface technology will be developed, and compatible electrolytes will be selected to ensure stable operation and optimal performance of Li-ion cells. During the project, advanced research will be conducted to determine the structural, electrochemical and functional propertiesof the tested materials.

The obtained results will be employed in the production of cathodes with optimized properties and will be the basis for know-how covering the unique knowledge and experience necessary for the design and production of new generation cathode materials, selection of the electrode / electrolytes and methods of modification of the cathode / electrolyteinterface in order to ensure the proper functionality of Li cells -ion. 

The obtained cathodes will be environmentally friendly, willexhibit enhanced performances and ensure the safety of Li-ion cells. In the final stage of the project, a demonstrator of the developed technology will be made and tested in operational conditions.